20 Items
View from Qalb Lozeh towards Qirq Bizeh 1962
This image shows that in 1962 there was still a clear distance between Qalb Lozeh and Qirq Bizeh. By the late 1990s only two or three fields and a road separated the two ancient settlements.
Type: Landscape
Tags: 1962, Archaeology, Architecture, Jebel Barisha, Landscape, Limestone Massif, Qirq Bizeh, Syria
Qaryatayn Tell
These images show the tell to the south of Qaryatayn and the surrounding landscape, including the remains of the spring that once fed the surrounding area.
Type: Landscape
Tags: Landscape, Qaryatayn, Sculpture, Spring, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Tell
General view over the cloister looking north west
This gives a view over the cloister and beyond to the orchard and hills to the west of Qaryatayn.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Landscape, Mar Elian, Mar Elian esh-Sharqi, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Views of Halabiyeh upstream from Zalabiyeh
These views of the remains of Halabiyeh were taken downstream of the site, standing on the ruins of Zalabiyeh.
Type: Landscape
Tags: Archaeology, Euphrates, Halabiyeh, Landscape, Syria, Zalabiyeh, Zenobia
The ancient monastic cemetery of Deir Mar Musa 
The ancient monastic cemetery of Deir Mar Musa is located in the wadi west of the monastery. It was mentioned by Sir Richard Burton in the C19th and had been comprehensively looted by the latter part of the C20th.
Type: Landscape
Tags: An Nabk, Cave, Deir Mar Musa, Grave, Landscape, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, Syria, Tomb
Views of the walk to Deir Mar Musa from the west 
This was the only route into Deir Mar Musa for visitors until the early C21st and involved taking a rough track into the mountains from An Nabk for around 18 kilometres before hiking for another 2 kilometres along a watercourse to reach the monastery.
Type: Landscape
Tags: An Nabk, Deir Mar Musa, Landscape, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Syria
Defile north of Maaloula that was used for early Christian burials
The narrow rock defile north of Maaloula is called by the local inhabitants the siq and (not entirely seriously) compared with the defile at Petra in Jordan. This part of the town and the high ground above and around the town was used for Roman and Late Antique burials.
Type: Landscape
Tags: Grave, Landscape, Maaloula, Qalamoun, Siq, Syria, Tomb
View of Maaloula from the shrine of St. Thecla
This is a view of the distinctive houses of Maaloula that are built on top of each other terraced into the steep-sided valley in which the town is located.
Type: Landscape
Tags: Architecture, Landscape, Maaloula, Qalamoun, Syria
Abano Pass into Tusheti
This is the only overland route to Tusheti from the rest of Georgia, apart from a hiking trail that leads to Khevsureti. The pass is only open in high summer and is inaccessible for around eight months a year.
View of Palmyra looking east from Qalat Ibn Maan
This is a panoramic view of the Roman era ruins at Palmyra taken from Qalat Ibn Maan, the castle to the west of the city.
Type: Landscape
Tags: Architecture, Landscape, Palmyra, Roman, Syria, Tadmor