37 Items
Inside the old city of Jerusalem
This collection of photographs captures everyday life from inside the old city of Jerusalem. It includes general street views, pilgrims and tourists, modern-day Christian souvenirs and architectural details.
Type: Architecture
Tags: Architecture, Christian Quarter, Church, Graffiti, Inscription, Jerusalem, Mosque, Rooftops, Souvenir, Street
Fresco of Simeon Stylites
This fresco is to the north of the Baptism of Christ fresco in the north east corner of the chapel. The untidy looking inscription beneath the painting is contemporary with the picture and is dated 1095, thus fixing the date of the second level of paintings in the church.
Type: Painting
Tags: 1095, An Nabk, Arabic, Arabic Inscription, Architecture, Church, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Fresco, Inscription, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, Simeon Stylites, Syria
Inscription dated 1419 in the name of Emir Sayf Ed-Dawleh
This Arabic inscription above the interior door of the monastery was erected in the year 1419 and in it the Emir Sayf Ed-Dawleh pledges to defend all pilgrims to the shrine from attack.
Type: Inscription
Tags: 1419, Arabic, Arabic Inscription, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Emir, Inscription, Mar Elian, Mar Elian esh-Sharqi, Monastery, Qaryatayn, Sayf Ed-Dawleh, Shrine, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Church of St. Gregory of Tigran Honents
An inscription on the Eastern wall of the church tells us that the church was built by a wealthy merchant, Tigran Honents, in 1215 AD. At the time Ani was under Georgian control and the church is believed to have been Georgian orthodox originally with the impressive and well preserved frescos within speculated as having been painted by Georgian artists.
Type: Architecture
Tags: Armenian, C13th, Church, Fresco, Georgian, Inscription, Turkey
Details of the Byzantine sarcophagus once the surrounding walls have been dismantled
This shows details of the Byzantine sarcophagus once it has been cleared of rubble and cleaned up. Amongst the pilgrimage graffiti a star of David was discovered with two Hebrew characters, suggesting that at some point Jewish, as well as Christian and Muslim pilgrims venerated the holy man buried at the site. A number of Syriac and Arabic inscriptions on the tomb have been published in epigraphic surveys of Syria.
Type: Sculpture
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Church, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Hebrew, Inscription, Mar Elian, Mar Elian esh-Sharqi, Monastery, Qaryatayn, Sarcophagus, Star of David, Syria, Syriac, Syriac Inscription, Syrian Civil War
Aghtamar cemetery 
These are images of the headstones and inscriptions that litter the island of Aghtamar. Mostly they belong to the monks and occupants of the island that have lived there over the centuries. These do not mark the graves of those killed in 1915 dissolution and destruction of the monastery.
Type: Sculpture
Tags: Armenia, Armenian, Cathedral, Church, Grave, Inscription, Monastery, Turkey
Entrance to the Tomb of the Three Brothers
The Tomb of the Three Brothers is a well-known frescoed hypogeum to the south of the Valley of the Tombs. The entrance has an extensive Palmyrene inscription over the door detailing the names of those interred inside.
Type: Inscription
Tags: Archaeology, Architecture, Fresco, Hypogeum, Inscription, Palmyra, Palmyrene, Sculpture, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Tadmor, Tomb, Tomb of the Three Brothers
Palmyrene inscription
This inscription was photographed in the vicinity of the Temple of Baalshamin.
Type: Inscription
Tags: Archaeology, Inscription, Palmyra, Palmyrene, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Tadmor
The Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth
In the mid-fourth century, a church was constructed around a grotto in the town of Nazareth that was said to be the Virgin Mary’s house and the place where the archangel Gabriel appeared to her during the Annunciation. This holy site was clearly well established as a place of worship towards the end of the fourth century as the pilgrim Egeria describes an altar within a grand and splendid grotto. The Piacenza pilgrim who journeyed to Nazareth in the late sixth century states that there is a basilica at the House of Mary that contains many garments that once belonged to the Virgin. Today, remnants of wall paintings, mosaics, and the architecture from this early church building are visible.
Type: Architecture
Tags: Annunciation, Architecture, C20th, C4th, C5th-C6th, Cave, Christ, Christian, Cross, Foliage, Fresco, Geometric Motif, Greek Inscription, Holy Site, Inscription, Israel, Mosaic, Nazareth, Pilgrimage, St. Gabriel, Staurogram, Virgin Mary
Madrasa Halawiyeh
The madrasa is an Islamic school that was built by Nur al-Din (1118-1174) on the apse of the former Byzantine cathedral of Aleppo. The capitals are very close stylistically to those at Qalat Seman, suggesting that the church was originally built in the second half of the fifth century. Beside the steps down into the madrasa is a large basalt block inscribed with Christian symbols and some Syriac words. Its placement seems designed to underline Islamic supremacy over the former Christian owners of the site.
Type: Architecture
Tags: Aleppo, Architecture, Basalt, Byzantine, C12th, C5th, Capital, Cathedral, Church, Inscription, Madrasa, Madrasa Halawiyeh, Nur al-DIn, Qalat Seman, Sculpture, Syria, Syriac, Syriac Inscription