6 Items
The evangelist Luke
The evangelist Luke is on the western spandrel of the northern arcade of the nave and although partially damaged is still identifiable as St. Luke.
Type: Painting
Tags: 1207/08, An Nabk, Church, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Evangelist, Fresco, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, St. Luke, Syria, Syriac Inscription
The evangelist John
John is located on the eastern spandrel of the northern arcade of the nave and is the most damaged of the four evangelists. This picture was taken before the painting was cleaned and consolidated.
Type: Painting
Tags: 1207/08, An Nabk, Church, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Evangelist, Fresco, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, St. John, Syria
West end of the southern arcade of the nave
This shows the west end of the southern arcade of the nave with St. Bacchus and the elect with an unidentified saint between the arch and window, the evangelist Mark and the remains of St. George.
Type: Painting
Tags: 1207/08, An Nabk, Church, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Elect, Evangelist, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, Saints, St. Bacchus, St. George, St. Mark, Syria
The evangelist Mark
The evangelist Mark is on the western spandrel of the southern arcade of the nave and clearly identifiable by inscription. The damaged ring around the head of the figure was caused by an attempt to steal this portion of the fresco which appears to have been disturbed.
Type: Painting
Tags: 1207/08, An Nabk, Church, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Evangelist, Fresco, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, St. Mark, Syria, Syriac Inscription, Theft
View of the north arcade looking west 
The north west spandrel has St.Luke the evangelist above it and damaged female saints are visible underneath the arches.
Type: Painting
Tags: 1207/08, An Nabk, Church, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Evangelist, Fresco, Mar Musa al-Habashi, Monastery, Saints, St. Luke, Syria
The evangelist Matthew and on the lower layer Elijah handing his cloak to Elisha as he ascends to heaven
This spandrel is at the east end on the south side of the nave and shows the evangelist Matthew writing his gospel. Behind him is the inscription that dates the third layer of fresco in the chapel to 1207/08. Underneath it is possible to see a scene painted post 1058 and pre 1095, which is the date of the second cycle. It shows Elijah handing his cloak to Elisha as he ascends to heaven and the two are identified by Greek inscriptions, which is the only language used on the first level, whereas Greek is only used for monograms on the later layers, which instead use Syriac, Arabic and Garshuni (Syriac characters to write Arabic words).
Type: Painting
Tags: 1207/08, An Nabk, Arabic, Arabic Inscription, Deir Mar Musa, Deir Mar Musa al-Habashi, Elijah, Elisha, Evangelist, Fresco, Garshuni, Gospel, Greek, Greek Inscription, Mar Musa al-Habashi, St. Matthew, Syria, Syriac