132 Items
Trench 2 with extension 3 marked out at surface level
This picture faces NE and shows the Trench 2 with the third extension area marked out.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 2 including extension 2 view of Context 2.03
These views of Trench 2 including extension 2 show Context 2.03 from all directions and include details of a ceramic in situ and a fine gypsum plaster floor.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Ceramic, Citadel, Fortress, Gypsum, Plaster, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 2 including extension 2 view of Context 2.02
These pictures show Trench 2 taken from all the compass directions at the level of Context 2.02.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Detail of a threshold and area of burning in Trench 2 
This picture was taken facing N and shows a threshold and patch of carbon indicating burning discovered in Context 2.02 of Trench 2.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Carbon, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 2 at Context 2.03 with extension 2 at Context 2.01
These views were taken facing all points of the compass and show the main part of Trench 2 at Context 2.03 and the second extension at the level of Context 2.01.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 2 view of extension 2 at surface level
This picture faces NE over Trench 2 and the area laid out for the second extension to the trench.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 2 view of Context 2.03
Views NE, E and W over Context 2.03 of Trench 2.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 1 with extensions at Context 1.03
These pictures face NE and E and show Trench 1 at Context 2.03 and include details of a gypsum pavement.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Gypsum, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 1 with extension 5 at Context 1.02
This view of Trench 1 faces NE over extension 5 at the level of Context 1.02.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 1 with extension 5 at Context 1.01
These views facing NE and one facing SW show Trench 1 with extension 5 at Context 1.01.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh