3 Items
Detail of a threshold and area of burning in Trench 2 
This picture was taken facing N and shows a threshold and patch of carbon indicating burning discovered in Context 2.02 of Trench 2.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Carbon, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Burned feature of Trench 1
This picture looks N and shows a burned feature of Context 1.03 in Trench 1.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Carbon, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Trench 2 carbon scatter to the north of the trench
Details of the centre of the north of Trench 2 with substantial evidence of carbon scatters.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Carbon, Castle, Citadel, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh