203 Items
Intervention 38/39 and the west end of the former site of the 1938 church
This picture shows the continuing excavation of domestic chambers to the west of the 1938 church. In 2004 this church had to be dismantled as it was structurally unstable and the stone walls in this picture show the remains of the 1938 church.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Architecture, Church, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Mar Elian, Mar Elian esh-Sharqi, Monastery, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Views of the first day on site
These pictures were taken by a student on the first morning of excavations at Zalabiyeh as the trenches were marked out and work began.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Castle, Citadel, Euphrates, Fortifications, Fortress, Syria, Zalabiyeh
Site visit to Dayr Mar Elian with students in 2010
These pictures were taken on the way to begin excavations at Zalabiyeh in 2010 and show the state of the Syrian excavation, site museum and elements of the new church and cloister to the north as they stood in the last year before the Syrian civil war began.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeological Finds, Archaeology, Architecture, Church, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Monastery, Museum, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Dayr Mar Elian post-excavation 2005
These pictures were taken in 2005 after the British Archaeological excavations had ended and before a Syrian team undertook to excavate the entirety of the cloister. In the year since the excavations had ended a new mud brick chapel had been constructed over the sarcophagus of the saint and at the east end of this chapel the trench where three fragments of Byzantine reliquaries had been discovered with a broken glass vessel had been left uncovered. Groundworks on the north side of the chapel in preparation for a new northern cloister revealed the earlier stratigraphy of the enclosure/chapel wall.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeological Finds, Archaeology, Architecture, Chapel, Church, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Monastery, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Intervention 36, Cloister wall north of church
When the church structure was examined in detail it was discovered that the north wall was actually at least three walls built sandwiched against each other and rendered over to create a walk way along the northern wall of the cloister with a step up on to the church roof.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Church, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Excavation, Monastery, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War, Wall
Interventions 38/39, the area west of the church
Intervention 38 was a narrow trench to determine the conditions of the church foundations west of the church. The students from the DGAM later split this into 38/39 and they have both been included in this entry.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeological Finds, Archaeology, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Excavation, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Intervention 35, trench south of the west end of the church
This trench was overseen by Wouroud Ibrahim of the DGAM and uncovered a series of small rooms that had been used for domestic purposes in the early C20th.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, C20th, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Excavation, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Intervention 38, West wall of cloister 
The west wall of the cloister was demolished by earth-mover in the 1990s when a cemetery was appended to the west of the monastery cloister. This wall was revealed in the second season of excavation.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Excavation, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Int 12 view of the wall and trench
In this picture the wall built outside the north of the cloister can be seen in context with the north wall of the church and the enclosure.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Excavation, Qaryatayn, Syria, Syrian Civil War
Intervention 14, test trench on SE corner of cloister
This reveals that the two walls are not tied to each other at any point.
Type: Archaeological Excavation
Tags: Archaeological Excavation, Archaeology, Dayr Mar Elian, Dayr Mar Elian Archaeological Project, Excavation, Qaryatayn, Syria